Fescue (Festuca)

   Fescue (Festuca), fam. Poaceae.
   Walking along the forest, sometimes it is possible to see dense tussocks of a grass with very thin leaves, the ends of which are usually withered. This grass is often the only inhabitant of dry sandy slopes and road shoulders. They stubbornly wait for a time of humid weather, during which they revive and can give some small unshowy spikes. Most probably, this plant is Sheep's Fescue (Festuca ovina), though there are many species of Fescue, and only specialists can distinguish them reliably.
   The value of this plant is in its ability to withstand trampling on the lawns; if it is watered sufficiently, it stays green and lush, and never withers. Despite its small size, this plant is a long-liver (up to 10 years). It is capable of reinforcing the soil on the slopes. Fescue has fodder value for unpretentious cattle (especially sheep).

Fescue (Festuca) Fescue (Festuca) Fescue (Festuca) Fescue (Festuca) Fescue (Festuca) Fescue (Festuca)