False Goat's beard (Astilbe arendsii)

False Goat's beard (Astilbe arendsii), fam. Saxifragaceae.
   Perennial herbaceous plant with the aboveground part dying in the winter. Sometimes cultivated as ornamental. Strikes with branchiness of both leaves (twice pinnate) and pink inflorescences, appearing in June-July. The flowers have a lot of nectar, which attracts bees.
   Propagates by division. Requires shady place for growth, and poorly tolerates drought.
   The rhizomes of astilbe are used as hypotensive, for bladder and kidneys diseases, and the leaves - against increased blood clotting, and to prepare tonic remedies. In China and Korea, dry ground rhizomes of astilbe are used as a spice.

False Goat's beard (Astilbe arendsii)