Rhubarb (Rheum)

   Rhubarb (Rheum), fam. Polygonaceae.
   It has been met in the garden bed near the last houses on the right side of Alma-Atynska street. In April, Rhubarb attracts attention with its large, wrinkly young leaves, sitting on bright-red petioles. In May, these rhubarbs are already mighty plants with panicles of white inconspicuous flowers.
   The petioles (stalks) are used in culinary. They are sometimes related to the fruit group instead of vegetables; clearly, it is wrong, but it still has some logic due to the their sweet and sour taste, which is rare for vegetables. It is only possible to remind another plant with sour leaves – sorrel; indeed, it is also a close relative of rhubarb.
   The acids in the rhubarb leaves and stalks cannot be called beneficial, since a large proportion them has oxalic acid (moderately toxic). So, only young stalks are consumed, and still in small quantities.

Rhubarb (Rheum) Rhubarb (Rheum) Rhubarb (Rheum) Rhubarb (Rheum) Rhubarb (Rheum) Rhubarb (Rheum)