Elm (Ulmus)

   Elm (Ulmus), fam. Ulmaceae.
   Brings flowers and fruits early; but both are not showy and have no benefit for us.
   The leaves and seeds are suitable for animal consumption. Elm is considered beneficial for urban ecology, because its shaggy and dense leaves effectively cleans the air from dust and pollutants. The seeds, ripening in June, have a feature similar to those of Poplar: if it does not sprout within a few first days after falling from the tree, it will dye soon.
   Medicines from elm bark or leaves have diuretic, astringent, antiinflammatory, sudorific, blood-cleaning, antispetic, and wound-healing action.

Elm (Ulmus) Elm (Ulmus) Elm (Ulmus) Elm (Ulmus)