Fumewort (Corydalis)

   Fumewort (Corydalis), fam. Fumariaceae.
   A flower of early spring, grows in the forest (in humid areas) and rarely in the city.
   The seeds are spread by ants exclusively, and moderate biting with the latter only stimulates the seeds germination. Picking or tuber damaging leads to inevitable death of the plant, which does not bring flowers until 4-6-years old. In the last years, fumewort has been found to disappear from many places typical for it, so we should take care of these early flowers.
   The plant is toxic. It is used for nervous diseases treatment, in strict dosage and supervised by a specialist.

Fumewort (Corydalis) Fumewort (Corydalis) Fumewort (Corydalis) Fumewort (Corydalis) Fumewort (Corydalis) Fumewort (Corydalis) Fumewort (Corydalis)