Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla), fam. Ranunculaceae.
Two species occur in the forest. The first is predominating – Eastern Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla patens). It grows in relatively sunny places, including the clearings. Often it is a neighbor of oaks and birches. Flowers in April (sometimes even in the end of March). One of the most beautiful flowers of Kyiv DVRZ forest, and suffers for that from people (especially if there is a nice weather during several April weekends). Moreover, the flowers are massively eaten out by Olenka bug (Tropinota hirta or Epicometis hirta). So, the probability of seed reproduction is quite small, and many plants live in the same place for several tens of years. An attempt to transplant leads to death of the plant, becuase it cannot bear any smallest damage of its roots. We should appreciate the fact that this charming, but quite vulnerable plant lives in such a close vicinity to the city.
This is a toxic plant, also medicinal in proper dosage.