Common Reed (Phragmites australis)

   Common Reed (Phragmites australis), fam. Poaceae.
   Despite the similar name in Russian, it is not related closely to tropical sugar cane. Our species is one of the most widespread among the group of plant collectively called reeds, rushes, or canes. Common Reed is the most unpretentious among them, as it is not afraid of heat, bright sun, or even soil salinity; all it needs is enough moisture. So, in steppe regions almost all rivers always get overgrown with reeds. Sometimes people combat it like a nasty weed. But this has little sense, because the plant is among the active natural water purifiers.
   Rhizomes and young shoots of common reed are edible, they also have diuretic, sudorific, antipyretic and antiinflammatory properties, contain many vitamins. Another beneficial property of reed is for being used to produce paper, wicker goods, roofs, and pressed plates.

Common Reed (Phragmites australis)