Moss, common haircap (Polytrichum commune)

   Moss, common haircap (Polytrichum commune), fam. Polytrichaceae.
   A common moss species, spreads itself along some sandy surfaces, and old tree trunks. It attracts water and keeps it for long time. In spring, it brings sporebearing capsules. In most plants (as well as animals), almost all cells have double chromosome set (diploid), and only the gametes (gaploid sexual cells) have single sets. It is all the opposite for mosses: their capsules are the only parts that do not consist of sexual gaploid cells.
   Chemical composition of this moss has not been studied, and any possibilities of its use are doubtful.

Moss, common haircap (Polytrichum commune) Moss, common haircap (Polytrichum commune) Moss, common haircap (Polytrichum commune) Moss, common haircap (Polytrichum commune) Moss, common haircap (Polytrichum commune) Moss, common haircap (Polytrichum commune) Moss, common haircap (Polytrichum commune) Moss, common haircap (Polytrichum commune)