Orach, Lambsquarters (Artiplex, Chenopodium)

   Orach, Lambsquarters (Artiplex, Chenopodium), fam. Chenopodiaceae.
   A weed in the city, quite rarely grows in the forest. Edible in moderate quantities, but this plant is not found in ecologically safe parts of the forest. The leafs of orach and lambsquarters contain large quantities of vitamins C and E, carotene, essential oils and saponins. Their taste is not very pleasant, though it depends on the variety – some species may contain harmful oxalates. The seeds were sometime used for baking bread, but they also are slightly toxic. The juice, salad and infusion are ingested to promote body cleanse, for headaches, hypovitaminosis, tonsillitis, diarrhea, and hysteria.

Orach, Lambsquarters (Artiplex, Chenopodium)