Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo)

Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo), fam. Aceraceae.
   Very viable species, gives lots of flowers and pollen, seeds (which hang on the trees during the whole winter), and seedlings. The flowers (without odor) can appear not bright if observed from afar, but the magnification shows them to be quite original. Boxelder maple originates from America, but has accommodated in Ukraine better than the natives, so now it is often considered a harmful weed, hard to eradicate.

Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo) Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo) Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo) Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo) Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo) Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo) Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo) Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo)