Five-flavor berry (Schisandra chinensis)

   Five-flavor berry (Schisandra chinensis), fam. Schisandraceae.
   A vine, grown rarely in private house yards. Blooms in May with fragrant white flowers of unusual shape, the fruits ripen in September. This is a medicinal plant.
   Beneficial properties of five-flavor berry as a wonderful tonic and refreshing remedy are known from ancient times. Its preparations are used in the time of spring avitaminosis, increased mental strain, and nervous exhaustion. The people suffering from low blood pressure may benefit from the five-flavor berries very much. They also increase visual acuity and promote accommodation of the eyes to darkness. Five-flavor berries regulate blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels and reduce heart rate. They allow to normalize digestion, restore healthy metabolism and cells regeneration.

Five-flavor berry (Schisandra chinensis) Five-flavor berry (Schisandra chinensis) Five-flavor berry (Schisandra chinensis) Five-flavor berry (Schisandra chinensis) Five-flavor berry (Schisandra chinensis) Five-flavor berry (Schisandra chinensis)