Hemp-agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum), fam. Asteraceae.
By the middle of summer, this plant forms high and dense thickets along the north side of the lake in the DVRZ forest. Blooming hemp-agrimony attracts butterflies, which are pleasant to observe from a close distance.
Hemp-agrimony has laxative, diuretic, sudorific, immunostimulating, anthelminthic properties, and cause vomiting in high doses. The plant also has antibacterial, antiinflammatory and would-healing abilities. It flok medicine its water infusion is used against diarrhea, to enhance stomach and bowel activity, for jaundice, edema, malaria, liver and spleen diseases. Its essential oil improves general resistance of the body to viral infections. Acute and chronic toxicity studies of water and water-alcohol extracts of hemp-agrimony proved it to be non-toxic. However, other sources still consider it poisonous.